How can I be happy in front of my haters?


Suppose a boy or a girl in your college does not like you. Someone with whom you have no real need to talk. Now, if he or she dislikes you for a reason or maybe for no reason, wherever may be, in this case the best solution could be to simply ignore. But suppose, if your boss in your office does not like you, or the teacher in your college, who is going to decide whether you are going to pass or fail, then in this scenario ignoring him or her is not at all a good solution. So there can be two types of scenario,
 1. Someone whom you can ignore
 2. Someone whom you cannot ignore.
 Whom you can ignore, is not a problem, but the problem is whom you cannot ignore. So what should we do in that case. This is what I am going to share with you in this blog. So, let's get started -

Whom, you cannot ignore in that case your first job is to find out why that person dislikes you. Now, the reason can be of two types,
 1. You can change,
 2. You cannot change.
 For example, suppose your boss dislikes you because your skin tone is dark. Your boss is a kind of racist. Then, here in this case you cannot do anything. Because this is not your problem, this is a mental problem of your boss. So what should you do then? Should you do makeup and then go to office?...may be that would also not be the best solution. In this case most of us react negatively and start to hate the person who dislikes us. Which is not at all a solution, even it can make things worse. As Martin Luther King once said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."

That's why in this scenario you have to figure out what that person likes most. May be he or she loves to eat . You have to observed that person very carefully to find out all this things and then you have to use those things as bet to win that person heart. To do this you have to overcome three stages :
Firstly that person may try to ignore you. But still if you purchase then that person laugh at you and make fun of you and insult you. 90% people quite here. But if you still purchase because you know this is your need then in the next stage he may start to reject you. For example you may request him sir I want to learn this things from you. He may replied sorry I'm currently busy. Please come to me later. But still after getting insulted, rejected if you come purchased then only you can truly when that person heart. It's not like that if you just throw the bet in the water you will instantly catch the fish. No, you have to be patience then only you will be able to catch the fish. Because remember here the need is yours. So it is you need have to patience. Now suppose if someone dislikes you because you don't maintain a well hygiene you consume alcohol , smoke or may be your crush rejected you because you are so fat. Means if the reason something like that which if you want you can change. And the changes also good for you. Then take the reason  challenge and use energy to change yourself. To change yourself that much. That your crush who had rejected  you because you are fatty. Now what's comes to you. To talk with you. And when she will come. Remember one thing carefully don't show any arrogance. Because if you do that you fail to win her. If accept that person politely. Only then you will win that person. And that person dislike will be permanently converted into like. But if you showing arrogance that not only the dislike never be converted into like but also the intensity of dislike will go higher. So don't show arrogance be carefully. 

So let's quickly recap what we should do if someone dislikes you. 
First a fall see if you have any real need with that person if not then simply ignore that person because there is no meaning in waste time and energy. But if the need is yours then find out why that person dislikes you if the reason is something which is impossible to change then ignore the disliking and figure out what that person likes most and use those things as bet to win that person heart. And if the reason is something which you can change and also the changes good for you then accept that reason as a challenge and change yourself.

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