Smart Things to Say When Someone Insults You.

How To Respond To Insult.

When anyone insults you, there is always a common intention behind it. That is to make you angry. Now it may be for fun or it may be for serious reasons also. The main intention is to make you angry so that you react in a certain way. Because your reaction is entertainment for them. Have you ever seen that someone is insulting a tree day by day? No. Why? Because, the tree doses not give any reaction to that. And if the person who is being insulated, doesn't give any reaction, then the entertainment doses not go very well. For a tree there is no option to react. But you have 3 options for reacting.

Option Number 1: 
Being angry you can give him same kind of root replied. But if you do that the person who has insulted  you will get the exact thing what he wanted from you. That means you will motivated the person to insult you more and  also you will bring yourself down to his level. And farther more in this way you will give him permission to heart you and to make you fell bad. That is exactly what he wants. This option is easy and most tempting amount all the options so due to lack of self control most of us choose this option when we get insulted.

Option Number 2:
You can be like that tree.  That means you don't given any reaction. After getting insulted you remain as cool as before. Even you don not given any facial expressions.  You just ignore him. What fell happen if you do this after not getting any response from you the person who was insulting you he stop sometimes automatically. Why you do not insult a tree. Why a person waste his energy if he is not getting any entertainment. Now you show want a response according to this option.
First you have to put yourself a from your insecurities. Why? I will tell you the reason by given with example.
Imagine that you are fat someone tells you "Hey fatty come here " now you are getting angry because you regret being fatty. May have not accepted yourself that you are fat. So it has become your insecurities. Now whenever someone heart your insecurities you become angry. So until and unless you don't accept your self that you are fat. And that I completely "OK". It becomes really difficult for you to face people with a fat person. But if can accept this one's in your mind "There is nothing wrong in being fat ".It's not true that fat is bad, skinny is good. If anyone things that than it is his mentality problem not my. After this it will be possible for you to remain come without given any reaction even after the insult.

Option Number 3:

3rd option is to convert the insult  in your humor and to laugh instead of getting angry. If you do this the person who is installing  you will get the exact opposite of what he wants that is to make you angry. But here you will come happy . It is most demotivating to your insulter. And this the best and fastest option to shut the mouth of your insulter. As this is the best option requirements for given response according to this option are also high. To response according to this option you have to develop 3 qualities in you.
1. You have to put yourself up from insecurities.

2. You have to learn to laugh yourself. 
If you want laugh yourself first you have to put down all your false identification. What is false identification? False identification are those which is not true but just to satisfying our ego we consider them as truth.  You have to come out from this.

3. You have to enhance your sense of humor. 
If you develop this quality first a fall do not take life too seriously. And secondly you have to learn take it as it is. And you have try to imagine the things  which are happening around you from a funy purchase. It will help you the best  to develop your sense of humour.
Always remember " Between stimulus and resposes there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom ".

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