How To Read The Mind After Seeing Body Language.

How To Read The Mind After Seeing Body Language.
According to the psychologist when we communicate with someone, then in that communication our verbal language contributes only 40%, whereas our body language contributes 60%. No one likes to hear the lie from others, everyone wants to know the truth. And although it may be easy to lie using verbal language, but it's very difficult to lie using body language. Because most of the time body language is controlled subconsciously. That's why if you manage to learn the techniques of how to read body language of someone, then no one will be able to make you fool easily by telling some lie to you. Also you will be able to guess what your partner is thinking or feeling before she says something to you, this will help you to make your relationships far more better. So today's I will share with you some very easy but effective body language tips which if you wish, you can master just by practicing for a few days .Today I will share some simple techniques with you that you can easily read human body language .

Smart Idea 1:  Study The Eyes.
Eyes are the mirror of mind . To read the mind of man first to look in his eyes will have to read the eyes .To understand to language of people’s eyes ,there are few steps bellow to follow .

1. Eye Contact : Notice whether the front of the front is maintaining an eye contact with you while talking . That is , if he is speaking with your eyes . If he does not listen to your eyes ,then he is not interested in your words .
# If he speaks of his eyes on the upper left corner , he thinks the truth.
# If he speaks of his eyes on the upper right corner , he is making lie .
# If someone talks about how often someone has glance when talking, he is thinking about something .
Smart Idea 2Study Face.Smile :The whole part of the face is changed to a real smile . But some parts of the lip change with fake smile. The real smile indicates that the next one is enjoying your company. And the fake smile indicates that the people in front of you are annoyed.

Lips : If someone turns the lip in two while speaking, then it does not seem to agree. Someone spreads two lips on the outside while talking, then it means depression. And if you bite your lips with teeth, then the next person is particularly interested in you.
Smart idea 3:  pay attention to proximity.Proximity means the average distance between you and the other person. Notice what is the average distance  maintaining while talking to you. if there is enough space and still the other person always stand of sets decide you maintain a distance less than one hand then it indicates other person likes you and close with you. If that distance is between two hand it indicates that the other person wants to be friend only he has no interest getting close with you and if that average distance is more than
two hand it indicates that the other person just wants to be known with you he has no interest making friendship with you.
 Smart idea 4: see if the other person is mirroring you.
Notice if the other person copying your seating style ,your hand movement or your facial expression unknowingly. If you seating on a chair putting your hands under the table then put your hands on the table and wait for a few seconds and notice if the other person is also copying you. if the other person copy you less than three seconds than it may indicate that the other person knowingly copying you which is very annoying. But if that time gap about five to ten seconds than may be the other person copying you unknowingly which is very good sing for you. Because it indicates that the other person is interested in what you are talking and he was like your behavior.

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