How to be Strong Emotionally Best Way.

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do By Amy Morin

A 23 years old young lady was recently graduated from college and had started her career as a psychotherapist. She was happily married with her lover, also she had managed to bought a house with her own money. At the age of 23 what we call as success was totally achieved by the writer of the book "13 things mentally strong people don't do" Amy Morin. But suddenly one day she got a phone call from her sister, her sister told her that her mother was found unconscious and she had been taken to the hospital. Amy and her husband rushed to the hospital. There the doctor told her that her mother had a brain stroke and she was no more. Her mother was completely ok the night before. Naturally as Amy was very close to her mother, she was grief-stricken. As she was a psychotherapist she knew how to get out from that grief but still it took her a long time to recover. No sooner she had recovered from the grief of her mother's death than at the age of 26 her husband got a heart attack and passed away. That 23 years old happy and successful lady, now at the age of 26 had become a widow who had lost her mother also. A few years later luckily Amy was able to find love in her life, and she got married for the second time. She sold her old house, and moved to a new house with her new family with a hope to start a fresh new life. But again after a few days her father in law was diagnosed with cancer. Amy was broken by the repeatation of the same incident again and again. It came to her mind, "why is it happening with me again and again!" She was unwilling to face the same difficulty that she had to face for last two times. So from the day, her father in law was diagnosed with cancer, she started to make a list of things that mentally strong people don't do. And in this way she was able to find 13 bad habits that mentally strong people always avoid practicing. She started to read them daily and prepared herself to become mentally strong. After a few days her father in law died, but this time Amy was able to recover very quickly by avoiding the 13 bad habits that she had listed. So with just a thought that it may also help someone else like Amy, she published the article in a blog post over the internet. At the time of posting the article Amy had never imagined that the article would went viral and read by more than 50 million people. So later to discuss about those 13 bad habits in details, she published the book "13 things mentally strong people don't do". And the book became international best selling book and was published world wide, getting translated into more than 30 languages. So today I am going to share with you some smart ideas from this best selling book,

Smart Idea 1:  Mentally strong people dont waste time feeling sorry for themselves.

"Why it has to happen always with me?" Do you also ask this same question when something bad happens with you? Then let me tell you that you are making yourself mentally week. Because studies have shown that self-pity always makes us mentally week. Because in this way indirectly we tell ourselves that I have nothing to do to improve my life's situations. We start to blame others for our own situations. Whereas we should take responsibility of every situation of our life and take action with our own hands to improve it. Because it is only when, instead of blaming someone else we take our own responsibility, then we start to become mentally strong. 

Smart idea 2: Mentally strong people dont shy away from change. 

The only thing that is constant in this universe is change. That's why mentally strong people don't shy away from change, instead they always welcome change and are ready for it. If your current habit is to sit with your laptop or phone just after coming back from office or college in the evening and continue watching some movies or TV shows until you go to sleep, then to change this bad habit with the good habit of a evening walk, you have to face a lot of mental difficulties, which is a very uncomfortable state for everyone. So that they don't have to face this uncomfortable state of mind, mentally week people always try to avoid change, which in result make them more week day by day. But mentally strong people never fear to get out from their comfort zone to do something great, because they know it very well that it will help them to become more mentally strong day by day.

Smart idea 3: Mentally strong people dont focus on things they cant control.

Your wife's habit of quarreling on little things, rude behaviour of your boss, that always angry teacher in your college, traffic in the roads, today's weather these are the kind of things that you can never control no matter what you do. That's why mentally strong people don't waste their time and energy focusing on these things which they can't control. Because they know it very well that this will make them mentally week day by day.But to learn how to keep calm in any kind of situation, to finish the work within the right time, taking action calmly according to the situation these things are always in your control. That's why mentally strong people always focus on these things which they can control, and which in result make them more mentally strong day by day. As to remain physically fit and strong, only doing some exercise is not enough, avoiding junk food is also very important, similarly to remain mentally fit and strong following a few good habits is not enough, avoiding bad habits is also very important. 

Amy has shared these kind of 13 bad habits that we should always avoid to remain mentally fit and strong, among which I have shared my favourite 3 habits in this video. If you guys really like this post, then I will make a 2nd part of this post where I will share the remaining habits with you. 
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